Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Coastal Science and Arctic Amazement

Welcome to Fall Learning

We've finally made it to fall. The end of this season brought mixed fortunes to the Atlantic and Gulf Coasts of the Americas. Namely, the unprecedented landfall of three hurricanes, Harvey, Irma, and Maria, was responsible for tragic loss of life and property to many large coastal communities. These events underscore our continuing need to better understand the powerful, yet fragile, oceans.

I've just returned from the Oceans 2017 science conference in Alaska to learn about many of the new and improved ways we are gaining the information to help protect our coastal communities. For some communities, such as St. Johns county in Florida, there is still a battle over the near-term protection and long-term sustainability of our coastal activities. Each community has hard long-term decisions to make. In lighter news, the annual Surf Dog competition has just happened in Southern California reminding us that the coast still brings joy!

Definitely take some time to check out the new designs of the WaveClock. You're sure to love the new speedometer style as well as great art from Wetfeet Photography and Ventana Surfboards and Supplies still on ETSY. Stay tuned and follow us on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter for the latest info. We'll let you know here first!

Happy and Safe Fall to Everyone!
The WaveClock Team
Your New WaveClock is Here!

Oceans Alaska

It is well understood that the Arctic Ocean will soon be ice free for the first time in recorded history. The changes are happening at an alarming pace. Alaska is the central hub for the science and engineering that is helping us understand these changes. Check out this informative piece.
Shore Protection Do or Don't??

Communities have weighed the need for shore protection against the long-term sustainability of such measures. In addition, these measures can also cause enhanced erosion damage to adjacent coastal areas. Read how a Florida community is dealing with the issues Here.
The Dogs Have It

To remind us that the coast brings joy, the annual Huntington Beach dog surf contest just went off. Even dogs understand the joy of sliding down the face of a wave and you can see the smiles on their faces. Check out some of the fun photos in this article!
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Sunday, September 3, 2017

Hurricane Harvey Support

Hurricane Harvey Support

As we are all well aware, Hurricane Harvey caused massive displacement along the Gulf Coast of Texas. If you haven't yet, please take a moment this holiday weekend and make a small donation through the Red Cross to help those that are trying to get their homes, families, and lives back in order after the storm's devastation. 

Thank You for whatever you can contribute!

The WaveClock Team is supporting the Red Cross as a great relief agency for those affected by the storm.
Hurricane Harvey Relief