Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Strange Waves and High Energy!

It's pretty clear that the ocean is FULL of energy. Enough to easily power the world without any need for fossil fuels. The challenge? Capturing that energy and getting it to our houses. There's a good summary article about the latest efforts below. Wild places with waves?  That's not news, but there are a few unusual locales you might want to add to your "must travel" list. Everything from Iran to the kitchen sink is listed in the article below. More serious news is that a refinery fire happened last weekend in Nicaragua. The potential for releasing oil and by products to the ocean is high and a lesson for future caution.

Other big news is that we are working on significant electronic and design improvements to the WaveClock! While we can't offer the specifics yet ... think wave direction and wind speed. Stay tuned and follow us on Twitter and Facebook for the latest info. We'll let you know here first! Enjoy the last of summer and we hope you're getting out for a last blast of vacation fun.

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Wild Surf Rides

Tidal bores?  Yeah we've heard it and seen it, but downtown Munich looks to have a little fun in store. There truly are still crazy locations to surf.  Think about surfing in Iran or North Korea. Where else can you really travel off the map. This little piece in the Independent has some fun info.
Blue is the new green for wave energy

Wave energy is the clean energy unicorn that ocean engineers have been searching out for years.  The Department of Energy has gotten serious about making it happen by funding a new test facility. This article at Salon gives a good overview.

Refinery Fire in Nicaragua

We've come a long way in the past hundred years in reducing coastal pollution. Unfortunately accidents still happen that can spell disaster at local beaches and surf spots. Let's hopethis refinery fire in Nicaragua gets under control quickly!

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Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Surfing to the Olympics

The summer Olympics are underway in Rio with some amazing events in the pool. Who can watch the high dive and not be amazed at the precision with which they throw themselves to the water!? It is certainly an inspiration to many of us to keep pushing forward into being a balanced and fit person for our endeavors. In the exciting news this week, SURFING will be in the 2020 Olympics in Japan (article below). I can't wait to see how they structure the competition. One of the new wave parks for perfect repeatable waves?

Other big news is that Scotland is continuing to move forward with a massive Tidal Power project (below). Renewable energy from the ocean is a unicorn that we all want to see the world catch!

Here in Santa Cruz we are working on new designs of the WaveClock.  We've teamed up with Bryan at Wet Feet Photography to transfer some fantastic photography to the WaveClocks.  They're looking great and will be up on our ETSY store soon.  Stay tuned and follow us on Twitter and Facebook for the latest info. We'll let you know here first!
Surfing in the Olympics!
This is a moment that highlights the final transition of surfing from an underground sport in the early 20th century to a full fledged global phenomenon in the 21st century. The Olympic committee will be evaluating skateboarding as well for inclusion. For better or worse, surfing is officially worldwide mainstream.
The WaveClock is your gateway to the ocean. The WaveClock queries real-time oceanographic databases to find the wave and tide at your spot. The hardware is linked to a free app and programs to your WiFi to give you an accurate view what’s happening out there. 
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Energy from the Tides
The Scottish have been a leader in marine renewable energy development. They are continuing to drive forward with planning a large tidal energy deployment. These deployments could be a great signal for the future. See the article for more information,

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