Monday, December 26, 2016

Happy Holidays from the WaveClock

To celebrate the holidays, we've got a little special something for you to try. In honor of the holiday eggnog tradition, we'd like to share our traditional family recipe that is based on an old White House recipe. Enjoy and let us know what you think!

Holiday Eggnog
1 gallon eggnog
2 1/2 cups bourbon
1 2/3 cups light rum
1 2/3 cups brandy
Vanilla to taste

Sip an enjoy and always be safe!

Cheers and happy holidays,
The WaveClock Team

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Winter wildness is upon us!

December has been full of big noteworthy events.  The biggest open ocean wave ever "officially" measured was verified at 62 ft. One can't even imagine what that would look like when it doubles up to break. At Nazare, perhaps we can imagine it. It was so big last week that no one even dared head out. While that is certainly no joke, the Chinese Navy stealing a robotic oceanographic monitoring vehicle is almost humorous. I guess everyone is after big ocean data these days!

Other big news is that we are working on Kickstarter campaign! We are teaming up with our friends at Wetfeet Photography and Ventana Surfboards and Supplies. Stay tuned and follow us on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook for the latest info. As always, we'll let you know here first!

Happy and safe holidays to everyone!
The WaveClock Team
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Biggest Wave on Record
The North Atlantic is certainly famous for massive swell. While we see evidence of gigantic waves along the coast, we rarely have true validated measurements of how big.  The latest validation of a wave at 62 ft in the open ocean is more than impressive. While we hear tell of 100 ft breaking waves, this wave would have the potential to break even bigger!
Oceanographic Data Goes Big
The Chinese Navy decided they didn't much like the US Navy collecting oceanographic data in adjacent international waters.  Or possibly they were jealous of some of the cool autonomous underwater gliders the Navy is using to get that data. Check out Deep Sea News!
No One Charging Nazare
It's impressive to think that Nazare finally got hairy enough that no one decided to charge out and tow into some of the bombs. Considering some of the hairball rides in massive swells past, that's shocking. Imagine if that 62 ft open ocean wave doubled up at Nazare. Check out the story and some of the photos at The Inertia.

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Sea Foam City

The first of the fall storms has hit the West Coast. Waves over 15 ft offshore of Santa Cruz churned up the ocean while some much needed rain blew in to help wash the land. All summer long, sediment and organic material settle on the sea floor. When the first big winds and waves arrive, they stir up this material on the bottom. We see the water turn brown and an interesting phenomenon occurs. Sea Foam.  All the organic material causes more viscous (sticky) bubbles to be formed by the wind and breaking waves. The resulting foam covers the beaches in big mats like the picture above.  A not uncommon, but amazing sight when it does happen!

This month we had a great showing at the Boardroom Surfboard Show. We teamed up with Wetfeet Photography to show some fantastic art and WaveClocks. Check out our Etsy store for the latest by clicking the button below. Stay tuned and follow us on Twitter and Facebook for the latest info. We'll let you know here first!

Happy and safe fall to everyone!
The WaveClock Team
See the Latest WaveClocks!
Furry Wetsuits
Some amazing work going on at MIT could have us in much warmer and furry wet suits in the future!

Shark Attacks in New South Wales, Australia
Most surfers are quite cavalier about shark attacks.  They're rare, cars are more dangerous, they're not in my backyard, but its a real and growing problem in New South Wales. The stories are quite harrowing.Check out the story HERE!
Malawi Hope from Local Santa Cruzan

Paddy Brady had a life changing event that helped him realize the value of giving boldly to others. The Santa Cruz native has done some incredible work helping the childredn of Malawi. The Sentinel has a great article.
Gulf Stream Slowing Down?

Researchers have seen evidence lately that the Gulf Stream is slowing down. The important ocean conveyor of warm water the the North Atlantic supports vital ocean processes and weather systems. Some interesting speculations about the causes and effects.
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Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Boardroom International Surfboard Show

This weekend (October 8th and 9th) the Boardroom is holding the tenth year of the International Surfboard Show. In Santa Cruz, California this year, the gathering will feature some of the best local and international shapers sharing their amazing craft. The top shapers, top boards, and top manufacturing processes are going to be there. Everything and anything that rides waves and helps us out, like wetsuits, fins wax, grip, skateboards, board-shorts, and all manner of accessories. Find out HERE how to get your tickets. Visit us at Booth 106 for all sorts of gifts!

If you haven't done so, head on over to our website to download the app for Free! Check our ETSY store with the button below to see some of our latest clocks!
Check out the Latest WaveClocks!
We had a great Pleasure Point Street fair withWetfeet Photos.  We've teamed to get the Wetfeet art on even more WaveClocks and will have the new WaveClocks and Wetfeet prints on display and for sale at the Board Show.  Come visit us for stickers, cards, and other deals on art and WaveClocks!

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Summer in September

We made it past Labor Day in the U.S.A and we're solidly into a crazy election season. Summer is still going the Northern Hemisphere, and some excellent swells are starting to show up after a fairly slow August. Hurricanes have been hitting the east coast. and the South Pacific swells are continuing to filter into the west coast. Hurricane Hermine brought some amazing barrels to New York.  As you'll read below, the closed beaches earned folks some surfing tickets!

On the science front, the effects ocean warming is being studied by scientists worldwide. We've talked about the risks due to sea level rise on coastal communities in the past here, but the warming trends are having some other particularly nasty effects. National Geographic has a great article on further reaching effects with some incredible photography below.

Like the great banner photo above? We're working closely with Wetfeet Photography to develop some great new WaveClocks. Check out Bryan's great photography through Instagram and his Facebook page. Our Etsy site features new great WaveClocks with Wetfeet artwork on the face. Be sure to keep following for upcoming shows with WaveClocks and Wetfeet Photography artwork!

Safe September Sessions!
The WaveClock Team
See the Latest WaveClock Art Here

Dark Patrol
Dawn patrol has become a way of life for many surfers to avoid crowds, get a surf in before work, and many other reasons. While most surfers log full moon sessions, the Inertia explores the next trends in "Dark Patrol".
Hurricane Hermine Fires and Fines
Hurricane Hermine hammered the northeast with some amazing clean swell. There were barrels galore, but also surfers getting tickets for having too much fun!
The REAL Changes
The news often looks at the obvious face of climate change with sea level rise. However, some of the ecosystem changes that are accelerating at the scary face of climate change.
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Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Strange Waves and High Energy!

It's pretty clear that the ocean is FULL of energy. Enough to easily power the world without any need for fossil fuels. The challenge? Capturing that energy and getting it to our houses. There's a good summary article about the latest efforts below. Wild places with waves?  That's not news, but there are a few unusual locales you might want to add to your "must travel" list. Everything from Iran to the kitchen sink is listed in the article below. More serious news is that a refinery fire happened last weekend in Nicaragua. The potential for releasing oil and by products to the ocean is high and a lesson for future caution.

Other big news is that we are working on significant electronic and design improvements to the WaveClock! While we can't offer the specifics yet ... think wave direction and wind speed. Stay tuned and follow us on Twitter and Facebook for the latest info. We'll let you know here first! Enjoy the last of summer and we hope you're getting out for a last blast of vacation fun.

See the Latest WaveClocks!

Wild Surf Rides

Tidal bores?  Yeah we've heard it and seen it, but downtown Munich looks to have a little fun in store. There truly are still crazy locations to surf.  Think about surfing in Iran or North Korea. Where else can you really travel off the map. This little piece in the Independent has some fun info.
Blue is the new green for wave energy

Wave energy is the clean energy unicorn that ocean engineers have been searching out for years.  The Department of Energy has gotten serious about making it happen by funding a new test facility. This article at Salon gives a good overview.

Refinery Fire in Nicaragua

We've come a long way in the past hundred years in reducing coastal pollution. Unfortunately accidents still happen that can spell disaster at local beaches and surf spots. Let's hopethis refinery fire in Nicaragua gets under control quickly!

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Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Surfing to the Olympics

The summer Olympics are underway in Rio with some amazing events in the pool. Who can watch the high dive and not be amazed at the precision with which they throw themselves to the water!? It is certainly an inspiration to many of us to keep pushing forward into being a balanced and fit person for our endeavors. In the exciting news this week, SURFING will be in the 2020 Olympics in Japan (article below). I can't wait to see how they structure the competition. One of the new wave parks for perfect repeatable waves?

Other big news is that Scotland is continuing to move forward with a massive Tidal Power project (below). Renewable energy from the ocean is a unicorn that we all want to see the world catch!

Here in Santa Cruz we are working on new designs of the WaveClock.  We've teamed up with Bryan at Wet Feet Photography to transfer some fantastic photography to the WaveClocks.  They're looking great and will be up on our ETSY store soon.  Stay tuned and follow us on Twitter and Facebook for the latest info. We'll let you know here first!
Surfing in the Olympics!
This is a moment that highlights the final transition of surfing from an underground sport in the early 20th century to a full fledged global phenomenon in the 21st century. The Olympic committee will be evaluating skateboarding as well for inclusion. For better or worse, surfing is officially worldwide mainstream.
The WaveClock is your gateway to the ocean. The WaveClock queries real-time oceanographic databases to find the wave and tide at your spot. The hardware is linked to a free app and programs to your WiFi to give you an accurate view what’s happening out there. 
See the Latest!
Energy from the Tides
The Scottish have been a leader in marine renewable energy development. They are continuing to drive forward with planning a large tidal energy deployment. These deployments could be a great signal for the future. See the article for more information,

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Thursday, July 21, 2016

What is the WaveClock?

Video post demonstrating the WaveClock in action.  For more information head on over to our Website and our ETSY store to find your own WaveClock!

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

How to Survive the Summer!

You're finally getting some time off, relaxing long weekends to enjoy the sun and water, and all is well! It might feel as if everyone within a thousand miles has also come to join you. There's nothing like summer beach time and surfing to experience the best in crowds. Corky Carroll, one of the wisest surfers out there, has some words of advice on how to look past the crowds and relax and enjoy no matter what. Also, there's a big effort underway in New Zealand to save a surf spot from development. And speaking of surf, this winter was full of spectacular big wave surfing. We couldn't resist sharing a clip of the ten most harrowing wipeouts that make you wonder how anyone comes up again!

As you know, the WaveClock is your gateway to the ocean. The WaveClock queries real-time oceanographic databases to find the wave and tide at your spot. You can always check out the app by downloading from our website, but you need your hardware version to keep you updated at a glance.  To get you setup, we are offering FREE SHIPPING this week using the code catchawaveat our Etsy store. Drop into that as soon as possible!

Happy and safe July to everyone!
The WaveClock Team
Free Shipping HERE with the code catchawave!!

While your WaveClock can help you spot the swells not predicted by the forecasters, crowds can still happen. Corky Carroll offers some wisdom from his decades of surfing. Instead of getting frustrated, aggravated, and having a bad session, you can learn how to mentally prepare. Check it out here.
Started From The Beginning, Turn My Headphones Up
The El Nino this winter brought some unprecedented surf for big wave spots around the world. But with those incredible waves come some mighty payments. In this amazingcompilation, Kiwi filmmaker and editor Guy Mac puts together quite possibly the most intense one minute of surfing you’ve ever seen.
Dredging Waves Away?
Surfers near Wellington Harbor in New Zealand are facing changes at their local spot by a dredging project to allow larger vessels into the Harbor. Overall, it looks like the dredging will decrease the wave energy entering the area thereby decreasing the number of surfable days.  Read about it HERE!
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