Summer in September
We made it past Labor Day in the U.S.A and we're solidly into a crazy election season. Summer is still going the Northern Hemisphere, and some excellent swells are starting to show up after a fairly slow August. Hurricanes have been hitting the east coast. and the South Pacific swells are continuing to filter into the west coast. Hurricane Hermine brought some amazing barrels to New York. As you'll read below, the closed beaches earned folks some surfing tickets!
On the science front, the effects ocean warming is being studied by scientists worldwide. We've talked about the risks due to sea level rise on coastal communities in the past here, but the warming trends are having some other particularly nasty effects. National Geographic has a great article on further reaching effects with some incredible photography below.
Like the great banner photo above? We're working closely with Wetfeet Photography to develop some great new WaveClocks. Check out Bryan's great photography through Instagram and his Facebook page. Our Etsy site features new great WaveClocks with Wetfeet artwork on the face. Be sure to keep following for upcoming shows with WaveClocks and Wetfeet Photography artwork!
Safe September Sessions!
The WaveClock Team